This Site went to hell for awhile and back!
Punk Center

Shit about me

Pics of me

What up

Hopefully contact me

My ghetto links

Trunks Tribute

Coal Chamber

More Funny Pics


Rock on Sec

Rock on Sec Continued.


Rachel Leigh Cook

god forsaken guest book

Hello people welcome to the website that totally went down to flames for the past months as if you can already tell, i mean come on now the damn borders of this fucking site is green i mean doesn't that ring a bell that this sites lame.............................................................dude why are you stilll sitting there reading my site there's noting spectacular about this know what just forget it .........
Hey this is Joey/Frank/Betty and i am a 15 year old dude and i used to go to high skool but i went to home skool cuz of my parents kind of sad huh, and as you can tell tahts me on the left , so yea i'm just a normal average everyday kid just like ur boring ass lol jp but there's notin really much to say about me so i'll leave you to decide and my bestfriend in the whole world who's always been there no matter what darren and i'm not going to say his last name cuz thats just wrong and i wouldn't do that to my number one dude and plus i'm getting tired of typing so enjoy the damn site already and stop trying to research my life what do u think i am some caveman lol!!!4172 and this is my counting thingy-ma bob yeah it helps me see how manys pants came here........or was it really pants?!?!?!?
What the hell happened here?

Well as you know children that i am finally back again to bring life back to this god damn site. I don't know what the hell happened for the past months on this site i guess i was just lazy to

Things that bug me and piss me off.
Ok lets start with some basic things that are pretty much like ground rules to me, lets begin shall we i hate posers i hate people who diss on rock,punk rock , or any kind of rock , i hate rap , i hate rappers who rap and try to act kewl while rapping i just want to take a chair and go wwf smackdown on their ass i mean BAM!!
Anyways i hate peeps who like to listen to wrap and then act like they like any kind of rock just to look kewl in front of people who do like rock.I hate enya how gay , i hate elmo who the hell made that goofy bastard anyways and i should thank the site for helping explain the natures of that stubborn ignorant retarded malfuckioned ass of a piece of sock and 2 ping pong balls and i have more things that i hate but i don't want to take up the whole webpage.

My kewl ass friend list. (and if ur not on the list sorry its just ur not kewl enough or its maybe because u like elmo lol)

Andraya: Hey Beautiful, I'm so sorry for what happened between you and Mike, and I don't know if i'm able to try to give you the happiness that he gave you , but i'll try no matter what it takes and I hope you get alot of good things in life, cuz thats all I ever cared about .........was you.....and your happiness. Cuz i remember back when i used to see you in person, whenever you laughed or even smile i would just feel so good. I'm not really sure how to express on how much i'm in love with you, and i don't care if u don't feel the same, cuz as long as i have you as a friend in my life .......i'm were always there to make me feel safe and secure. I guess all these years i've dreamt of just kissing you once , so i can finally die happy.....Man ever since i figured you were the perfect girl, i mean your beautiful, you funny, your easy to talk to, you care about other peoples feelings , aww man i can name a whole list if you want. Oh and i'm sorry for all the trouble i've cost you in the past, i was such an asshole and conceited ... and i'm soo sorry..well ummm i don't know how to end this but i guess i'll just say this ummm i love you ssoooo much and that you meet a guy that would care only about you and your happiness and that you turn out to be happy as well. 


Darren:hey wut up darren thanks for always being there for me we're so freaking insane when we hang out lol for instance walgreens lol amber man i made an ass out of myself lol and u too, too bad we didn't get the chick though but hey it was worth it. Stay kewl man

Amanda:hey there mandy lol jp hey punk whas krakalakin, man u are hella funny even though the jokes are mainly about me lol jp i'm really glad ur one of my bestfriends i couldn't have done stuff without you. thanks for everything

Tatiana: Hey i'm so glad that you came back to vegas cuz your a really kewl chick and hope one day we could go out to a movie or something cuz i really miss you.

Wendy:Hey dude wuzzz up man u had the wildest loudest pinata ever dude and i was pretty happy being ur tambarine, man i haven't talk to ya in a long ass ancient time i mean holy crap lol hey thanks for saving me through tough times and thanks for giving me dollars for lunch when i didn't have money, man i must owe u like or more but o well good enough for government work lol stay kewl wen!

Will:Billy Billy Billy are u still doing those dishes lol jp hey man wuts up, dude i hope we get to jump jared when we go back to skool but its pretty nice not being in skool and thats a fact.well i have to say to ur dumbass lol but stop having sex in ur garage lol!!

Luke:Hey silly moose lol hey punk wutcha been up to lately u haven't been threatening little kids by declaring war on them have you lol well i'm glad ur my friend even if u do nearly get us killed lol jp.

Terra:Hey there chipity chap good day don't u say mate? lol jp hey there whats up still not giving mr.panicko a hard time are you lol well if ever you go on my site i just want to say u are soooooo god damn hot lol and i want to go out with you lol ok that was a lil too much info well anywayz dude u are really cool.........and ...really hot lol so i'll chat with ya soon if....ever lol jp.

Bobbi: hey there bobsled how ya doing and how's things going with my bestest friend darren u lil love bird you and i love pants more than u'll ever do lol jp but hey thanks for helping me out with getting some dates with this whole homeskool stuff its a pretty big trip but hey someone's got to go through it.

Jay: hey trench boy lol jp i was wondering do you ever wash ur trench coat cuz u seem pretty attached to it and it seems as if u never take it off lol but yeah hey it was pretty kewl when we hung out in 4th grade and i'm glad to see you again and i hope your mom brings in donuts lol jp

Krissy: Hey there punk wuts chillin homie lol hey thanks for always being a homie and that i hope we get to hang out sometime and oh yeah if u still want to learn how to play the guitar no sweat i'll be glad to teach ya even though u are blonde lol jp hey stay kewl k.

Dexter: Hey there, wuts up my homie!!! Dang dude you are really kewl hang out with in class knowing mrs.lyall and all the other teachers are sooo damn boring but put the kool in..........skool and .....stuff but yeah stop getting wasted b4 class lol jp do what you please lol peace out man.

Jessica: Hey there, wuts up my other homie, i swear you and Dex are going to get married or something knowing that it doesn't look like you guys are going to split but hey thanks for helping me out with tera and stop doing things to dexter under the table lol!!! jp see ya in class.

Jeremy: Hey dude, wuts up man, dang dude that is sooo funny knowing that ms.Irby thinks your tarzan with your hair cut, but hey its all kewl tarzan got a chick didn't he and i know they've been gettin it on like the discovery channel if you know what i mean ;) lol jp but hey see ya later dude.

Cody: Wuts up!!!! don't worry what the ladies say your still a sexy bitch lol but hey your hella good on that bmx of yours dang maybe just maybe one day that you could teach me a trick or two on the bike, but yeah thanks for being kewl! peace.

Craig:Hey dude, we've only known each other for a short period of time but oh well your hella kewl to me so what do you know your on my kick ass friends list, dude where did you get your beanie because for some reason i can't one thats in black ...oh well but hey stay kewl man.

Matt: Damn your so fucking funny ........and crazy!!! but thats why me and the guys love ya lol hey don't ever change man and hey aren't you going to be our bass player? oh well see ya later dude don't change.....ever!

Cameron: ummmmmm well uh .......well you see dude i haven't seen you in a LONG ass time, but can't help thinking if your dead out in the desert or something and they guys keep telling me that Craig killed you or something but i don't believe that you......smoker!! lol jm well uh stay kewl i guess.

And thats it for BEEESSTESST FRIENDS list yeah and all these people you see here are like the kewlest people on earth ......well maybe not Will aka Billy lol jp but yeah if anyone messes with them see to it that i find you and give u 2 hours of magical fun and adventure lol .... i mean it >:O

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Just me and a guitar.......
So far i'm just waiting for someone to just recruite me into their band................

The End

Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines
Man i thought the Terminator movies were great especially this one its really sad how the movie ends and that the world gets destroyed like that shit i wouldn't be able to imagine living in a world where machines control mans destiny, but hey anything can happen. you ever wondered why these fuckers have teeth though i mean come on now they're robots what are they going to do eat steel. And hey come to think of it if we were to die in a totally slow and horrible death it would be this one considering its pretty interesting to know that i just got shot in the ass by a robot.
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Joey "i'm just a random guy who just likes to torment people", whooo hahahaha whoo hahaha